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Monday, 29 September 2014

BFP Blues

2 weeks ago I got a BFP. It wasn't planned. Those of you who know me know that we had (mostly) reconciled ourselves to sticking with the one, though I was feeling increasingly bitter and angry about being forced to make that decision. We'd also been previously told that DH's sperm and morphology count was low and that it was likely that we would have issues conceiving. So imagine my surprise that since July (when I had a chemical pregnancy), we've managed it twice. And after months and months of trying to conceive the second BFP and exhausting ourselves with DTD, this one came after just once. I'm not saying this to gloat. Quite the opposite. Life has a funny way of turning you upside down or throwing you something you least expect. Without my MC history I guess this BFP would be a 'nice surprise'. (God how I envy the naivete of some people).

My first thought was to IGNORE. Pretend it's not happening. Which has one small flaw. With DD, I was nauseous from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed. With the last two BFPS there was nothing. So far there's been nothing. It's very hard to ignore symptoms or lack thereof, especially when your only successful pregnancy has been the one that made you sick.

Today has been one of my worst in terms of anxiety. I've felt it building, not least because in 2 days it's the anniversary of my 2nd MMC. I still remember the raw grief when they told me 'sorry' for the second time. I knew it could happen but equally felt i'd have to be pretty-bloody-unlucky for it to happen again. I know that it theoretically could yet again, and in my mind i've been preparing contingency plans. I have more plans in my head for if it goes wrong than if it goes right. I genuinely don't think I will know what to do if they tell me I have a baby that's alive come scan time. Perhaps it will only be then that I actually start to accept I'm pregnant.

Which brings me to my next morbid thought. I'm begging with the universe right now...please if I have to MC again, don't let me get to the scan stage and make me go through all of that. Don't make me have to have a third ERPC.

But please please please don't let me MC again. I am genuinely frightened for myself psychologically if I do.

Today, at work, I felt overwhelmed. I teach, so it's not like I can lock myself away and work alone when I need to lick my wounds. Not only that but the job itself has become a massive pain in the arse, so much so that morale is at an all time low and i'm bringing tonnes of work home every night and weekend. Four weeks in to the academic year and I'm wondering how I'm going to go on. There's been a huge 'baby boom' at work- 5 babies in total JUST IN AUGUST. And plenty more pregnant women still there. I guess with those odds it's not surprising that somebody had to have IF issues. Having lunch with a couple of colleagues who KNOW (no excuses) and they casually bring up 'isn't it time you had another?' to a lady whose son is 1. Who then goes on to say how she imagines it will be easier with 2. At which another lady mentions that when her son was 2 she thought she had to have another as it would be easier. AS IF IT'S THAT FUCKING SIMPLE!!!! I wanted to scream. HOW COME IT IS THAT FUCKING SIMPLE????????? Just think about it, and 'poof!' number 2 is on the way. I'm really beginning to detest people with no direct experience of miscarriage but realise this probably makes me a selfish unfeeling twat.

If anyone has any tips to get me through the next few weeks i'm all ears. I want to know specifically whether this sense of impending doom is something I should be worried about.


  1. Big hugs, darling. These are rough waters indeed. Ugh, yes, HOW IS IT SO EASY FOR SOME PEOPLE?? I literally cannot fathom.

  2. viv (ivfpincushion)30 September 2014 at 09:11

    I have nothing to help, other than solidarity as i'm in the same place. 7 weeks now, but I've lost the last two and this one has had the clinic concerned with being a slow starter (I've paid for a private scan on Saturday to help me at least know one way or the other). And like you I'm praying this one will stick, but if it doesn't then at least let it pass naturally without surgery.

    My symptoms are very different from with lia - far less. they were with my unsucessfl pregnancies too. I'm trying to tell myself it's because i'm working form home so getting less tired out, but I'm not managing to reassure myself.

    My plan is to try and ignore it too - hence being off twitter most the time as I cant deal with thinking about babies right now. and just put one step in from ofthe other till the next scan...

    good luck. I hope these are the ones. x


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