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Monday, 12 August 2013

Losing my blog virginity

So, hello world!

I feel rather like I have to start off like a good book would. To create an arresting opening, you need to create questions that need to be answered, an interesting character or characters, an enticing setting and establish a genre.

Unlike your average half decent novel writer though, I don't actually have all those details to hand (well, perhaps apart from the interesting character ;-) ) . Truth is, I'm not sure quite where this blog is going.

I wanted to write about my experiences of miscarriage and grief because I thought it would be cathartic.

I wanted to write about my views on life and things I see in the news, because sometimes you can't fit everything you want to say on Facebook or Twitter.

I wanted to write about the little things that amuse, delight or interest me.

I wanted a place I could come and have a moan anonymously.

And here I am, feeling the pressure because I'm an English teacher and I should know how to write and what to write, for Goodness sake.

So I guess in this first 'chapter', I'm leaving you all on a bit of a cliffhanger. Who knows what happens next?


  1. I'm looking forward to reading more! XO

  2. Welcome to the blogging world. i look forwards to reading more x


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